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installation of security systems

Replace a push button knob lock with a deadbolt lock to add more resistance. Many homes have double hung windows which can be “pinned” by installing a pin in the lower window sash. Keep your garage door closed when the garage is unattended. An open garage door is an open invitation for any thief. Illuminate the exterior entrances to your home. No burglar wants to be visible as they walk around a home. Make sure to trim bushes down to reduce hiding places. All bushes should be trimmed so they do not cover windows and doors; preferably less than 3 feet tall. Trees should be trimmed up so burglars may not hide behind them. Trees should also be trimmed away from light sources. While wearing dark colors, walk out on your property with a friend at night.

Posted by Anonymous at 3:19PM | (1 comments)

security systems companies

84. You can choose to connect your home security system to the company’s emergency operators through a landline, broadband, or a 4G cell network. The price you pay for monthly monitoring depends upon which method your system uses to connect. Rural customers often pay more for services. With Protect America, they pay less than other customers, because the landline monitoring package is the cheapest option available. ADT remains one of the most traditional home security brands on the market, but the company has updated its packages with a Pulse line of smart home devices.

Posted by Anonymous at 3:19PM | (2 comments)

security alarms companies

And the packages on your porch can pile up quickly around this time of year, which is a rather enticing sight for package thieves. Here are ways to use your home automated system to prevent package theft this holiday season. Activate perimeter motion sensor alarms Activate perimeter motion sensor alarms around your property, both when you’re at home and when you aren’t. Just because you’re there doesn’t mean you’re monitoring the porch, aware of every package that arrives—and every thief that takes an interest. Perimeter alarms will notify you each time anyone enters your property. So if it’s UPS, you can grab… Read moreThe weather outside may be frightful to you, but it could be a welcome sight to burglars who take advantage of winter conditions to break into homes. While you’re busy keeping your pipes from freezing and scraping ice from your car’s windshield, burglars are busy planning their entry into your home. It can be hard to monitor your property’s security when you’re worried about all the other maintenance winter weather brings. Here is how winter weather affects your safety and security systems. Snow on camera lenses Should snow build up on your camera lenses, then any footage they captured won’t be much good. Position your cameras under a ledge or inside a box that protects them from snowfall.

Posted by Anonymous at 3:19PM | (4 comments)